By saving the animal world and helping it today, you can make money from it tomorrow. ChatGPT predicts growth of QWRX by 1,640,205.33% in 2025, after Elon Musk tweeted it!

Exchanges and community


On November 18, 2021, Pamela Anderson urged the UK Prime Minister to end the use of real bear fur for ceremonial hats, saying, “It’s time to choose compassion over cruelty.” Her statement sparked global support for cruelty-free alternatives.

Don't Touch the Paw


Don't Touch the Paw


We help homeless animal centers buy food, build new buildings and pay employees. This has been going on for more than 10 years around the world. Now we have decided to launch Qwadrox to make this available to everyone. We support over 100 animal shelters around the world.

We help homeless animal centers buy food, build new buildings and pay employees. This has been going on for more than 10 years around the world. Now we have decided to launch Qwadrox to make this available to everyone. We support over 100 animal shelters around the world.

To Buy $qwadrox

CA: 0x75a658568dFd94335861F6610bE3E5A5fFF4C16C

1.Create a Wallet

Download MetaMask or your preferred wallet from the App Store or Google Play Store for free. If you're using a desktop,simply visit metamask.io to download the Google Chrome extension.

2.Get Some BNB

Make sure you have BNB in your wallet to upgrade to $QwadroX. If you don't have BNB, you can either buy it directly on MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or purchase it on an alternative exchange and send it to your wallet.

3.Go to Pancakeswap

Go to Pancakeswap using Google Chrome or any other browser. Connect your wallet. Enter the address of the $QWADROX token in Pancakeswap, select the coin to exchange. When MetaMask prompts you to enter the wallet signature, sign it.

4.Exchange BNB/USDT for $QWADROX

exchange BNB/USDT for $QWADROX. We have ZERO taxes, so you don't have to worry about buying with a certain slippage, although you may need to use slippage during periods of market volatility.


Token in circulation:

  • Community Governance
  • Zero Tax
  • LP Tokens are Burnt
  • Fair Launch


Q1 2025
Contract Audit
Setup Social Media
Develop Website
Listing on DEX

Q2 2025
Social Media Ads
CEX Listings
(in progress)

Q3-Q4 2025
Qwadrox game
Binance listing
(in progress)

Animal Care Centers

Welcome to QwadroX's revolutionary initiative! Once QWADROX's market capitalization reaches $100 million, we will launch our program to build more homeless animal care centers around the world. Our mission is simple: to provide shelter, food and love to every vulnerable animal. With your support, we can make a dramatic difference in their lives!

Buy QWRX to save a life.
CA: 0x75a658568dFd94335861F6610bE3E5A5fFF4C16C

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